Ummmm, so I haven't updated in a LONG time. I've been "moonlighting" over at these other two thangs: www.ragsandrunways.blogspot.com and most recently, www.monloulouclothing.blogspot.com.
Yep, I'm finally, finally trying to start my own clothing, something or other. The ultimate goal is to evenutally showcase local designers and carry a higher-end level of fashion...However, I feel like I'm starting off in the capacity that I can handle and that people can afford. I feel like that's important. I hope it turns into something that I can do fairly lucratively, or at least comfortably. Cause I really, really, really enjoy it. :)
New Changes:
Ummm, my lovely job @ Chloe is kaput. Unfortunately the business transferred ownership, due to a post-divorce court battle. Currently, Chloe has closed its doors and I don't know if they will re-open. It's a sad situation, since I had so many awesome memories there and count everyone as "family". However, I'm thankful for my time spent there and hope to keep my amazing work "family" in my life, forever.
I have a couch, but I'm not so sure that is a new "happening". But, if you knew me when I lived at my old place, downtown, you knew that I successfully lived there, for over a year, sans couch.
I officially hate interviewing. Especially for jobs that I'm either overqualified for or have no idea and experience with. It's frustrating, to say the least.
I want to take bartending courses.
Also, I don't know why...at all. But, I've been contemplating getting a tattoo. However, I would probably be assaulted by my mother and exiled.
The jury's still out.