When I was little, my favorite movie-(of all time!)- was "The Last Unicorn". I still remember my mom driving 30 miles to the nearest movie rental store on a weekly basis. Eventually, seeing as we were the only ones to ever rent the movie, they sold it to us. :)
I have heard the term often. Commonly whispered from girl to girl at a party/bar..."her Unicorn, is here". The phrase is tossed around jokingly and there's even a "definition" of it on UrbanDictionary.com. haha.
unicorn 1. (positive) Your dream person. Your perfect person. The person to whom you wish to be with intimately more than anyone else. This person is characterized by the following statements and application rational. Statements: The unicorn is a rare mythological creature, unable to capture. They have healing powers and can neutralize poison. Rational: Despite its rarity, everyone has a unicorn. But everyone’s unicorn is rare to them. This one person can sooth your soul and give you a sense of worth or completeness. Just the thought of this person can heal your innermost pain on the darkest of days. It’s the perfect person.
2. (negative) The unreachable love. Too good to be true because "unicorn status" is superficial. Because most unicorns are rare and out of touch, the truth of the unicorn is likely askew. Beauty is exaggerated and faults and other unattractive attributes are forgotten or discounted. It’s your true love…Mr. Right… dream girl… and endless pursuit of this unicorn can only lead to disappointment. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- An interesting observation, to say the least. I guess everyone has one, so I'll be on the lookout. Wanted: a mythical creature, unable to be captured. haha.
Oooh and I'm going on Ebay to see if I can find a copy of that movie I remember loving so much...
(find me a copy...and you just might become, mine.)
symmetry. wit. getting lost. floating. the smell of citrus. irony. guitars. purple. singing at the top of my lungs. dark chocolate, milk chocolate, any chocolate. scary movies. jumping off things. driving at high speeds. coincidences. balance. discovery. travel. good conversation. stillettoes. bach/motzart/elton john. intrigue. good grammar. Japan. long shadows in the afternoon. observing the world. dancing in the kitchen, or the backyard, or in the dark. listening. my cat. swishy dresses. shiny hair. brilliant smiles. hands. vintage. committing. style. loyalty. pushing buttons. walls and walls of books. piano. imaginary friends. true friends. horses. life in motion. standing still. waiting. watching. textures. freudian slips. catching the moment. feeling dizzy. technology. flash mobs. street musicians. ideas on their way to fruition. pina coladas. warm water. rollercoasters. my breath being taken away. walking in the rain. symphonies. clothes warm from the dryer. sprawling on the floor. m&m's. scavenger hunts. laughing until I can't stand. faces. shapes. confessions. long walks to nowhere. swings. monkey bars. campfires. stories. reunions. bridges. history. raspberries. coffee. love.
I've been locked out, before. It's not exactly a rarity. I can be scatterbrained and from time to time, that turns around to bite me in the ass. In that previous situation, I got so frustrated, that I "hipped" my door in. (This was at my old house, not my new "totally awesome I never want to leave" spot) That time, I was successful but broke the doorframe and had bruises on my hip and waist, for at least a week. Ugh.
This time, that wasn't exactly an option. Kudos to the boy that knocked my clutch out of my hands, spilling the remnants of my purse onto the floor of "Urban Lounge". After scouring the floor for everything that had fallen out, I enjoyed the remainder of my night hanging out with some friends. Then on the car ride home, NO HOUSE KEYS. Lovely. After failed calls to my landlord, our only option (after an hour of brainstorming...!) was to call a locksmith; who ended up climbing onto my deck and letting us in. Talk about a long night/morning.
Oooh and bonus, apparently it's $20 to get my lost keys back. Nice.
So, maybe it wasn't our pool (we snuck in...), but at least it was without the "drama", of a high class MTV reality show. Randi, Natalie and I spent all day, in sugar comas, lounging in the sun.
Tonight/this morning, I was reminded...and was prompted to remind myself...that it's ok to relate one's "love stories" with effervescent verve and wonder. I have come to this annoying realization that there are no freaking absolustes, and you just. can't. make. assumptions that the way you perceive and experience the world around you, is the same way those you are surrounded by are experiencing it. You may have those rare and wonderful intersections in life while someone else is realizing things completely differently.
I am encouraged by recent experiences that the existence of love is out there. That it has existed in my life in several varying shades and rhythms, and no one experience was any more or less of value, strictly due to it's tenure or tenacity. I am being shaped by "all" of my experiences, and my chosen response to them. I like who I am now and since I do, I realize that it is only because of that mish mash of perception, with a small dash of arbitrary reality, that has made me this person.
I'm learning to appreciate all that I have had in my life, and all that I have...and will have.
-I feel like I work, all of the time.
-I play mamma to a cat and a horse.
-I live for coffee, but realize that I carry packets of Splenda in my purse, because no one really knows how I like my coffee...
-I'm a really, really, really nice person; when I'm not being an asshole.
-Oooh and I have mad, Mad, MAD style.