At relationships. Right?
After spending the evening entertaining a conversation that involved "why" a family friend was dating a certain girl, I'm stumped. Should it be so complex? Don't get me wrong. I think I officially hold the record for "sucking at a relationship". I have no room to talk. I think that I try to "digest" certian situations, to try; myself, to avoid them in the future. Maybe.
The discussion started with the mention of a family friend. He had recently been dating (aka "head over heels") for a girl that, in the end...I think, kind of broke his heart. She moved on fast, got married. I'm serious. That situation is not uncommon. Girls, unfortunately, can be sly and manipulative creatures. It only takes one selfish girl, to ruin a good guy for the rest of us. I seem to be learning this more and more everyday.
So, fast forward a couple of weeks. Our family friend is now "heavily" involved with the aforementioned girl's, older sister. He seems happy, which in my mind is the most important thing. However, I have to think...why subject yourself to a situation that I feel will constantly brood unfinished "feelings"? His response?
"I will be at every family function. She will constantly be forced to see me."
Oh boy.
Another observation: We all like nice things. Anyone that speaks differently, is lying. After absorbing the first week of a crazy Sundance, I have come to the realization that money buys a lot of things. For instance, a beautiful $800.00 pair of Mike & Chris boots would be a lovely addition to my closet. :) I've even resorted to spending over seven dollars on a sandwich and not batting an eye. Ewww. (This has got to stop! haha.) I have also witnessed a lot of "couples", with what seems like "more money than god"...that HATE eachother. Case in point, I literally had a man "threaten" me if I, "sold his wife a pair of boots". Everyone seems to just go through the "motions". Together, because it's expected. Together, because it's easier than picking up a job and having to live by a budget. It's amazing the happiness that we sacrifice.
So, Why? Why do we make relationships so difficult? Why do items of monitary value, take precedence over the "stripped down", bare bones type of love? What makes people stay in unhappy situations? Complacency? On the same token, what makes people control and stifle any need or want for anything/something that they deserve?
Maybe it's because some people are afraid they will end up alone. When it comes down to it, we all want to feel like we are important to someone. Some people settle and regret everyday of it. Others, just might be so terrified of what good might come from actually realizing who they could be to someone, that they never try.
Better to be safe, than sorry, I guess.
Good Night.
Break dance. Not hearts.
15 years ago
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